
We will use the same data used in the classification tutorial for this task (the IXI Dataset). The approach for regression tasks is nearly identical. Therefore, take a look at the classification tutorial for explanations of the various cells.

Google Colab

Google Colab
from fastMONAI.vision_all import *
path = Path('../data')
STUDY_DIR = download_ixi_data(path=path)
Images already downloaded and extracted to ../data/IXI/T1_images
2022-12-22 16:47:36,114 - INFO - Expected md5 is None, skip md5 check for file ../data/IXI/IXI.xls.
2022-12-22 16:47:36,115 - INFO - File exists: ../data/IXI/IXI.xls, skipped downloading.
Preprocessing ../data/IXI/IXI.xls

Looking at the data

df = pd.read_csv(STUDY_DIR/'dataset.csv')
df['age'] = np.around(df.age_at_scan.tolist(), decimals=0)
t1_path subject_id gender age_at_scan age
0 ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI002-Guys-0828-T1.nii.gz IXI002 F 35.80 36.0
1 ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI012-HH-1211-T1.nii.gz IXI012 M 38.78 39.0
2 ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI013-HH-1212-T1.nii.gz IXI013 M 46.71 47.0
3 ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI014-HH-1236-T1.nii.gz IXI014 F 34.24 34.0
4 ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI015-HH-1258-T1.nii.gz IXI015 M 24.28 24.0
df.age.min(), df.age.max()
(20.0, 86.0)
med_dataset = MedDataset(path=STUDY_DIR/'T1_images', max_workers=12)
data_info_df = med_dataset.summary()
dim_0 dim_1 dim_2 voxel_0 voxel_1 voxel_2 orientation example_path total
3 256 256 150 0.9375 0.9375 1.2 PSR+ ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI002-Guys-0828-T1.nii.gz 498
2 256 256 146 0.9375 0.9375 1.2 PSR+ ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI035-IOP-0873-T1.nii.gz 74
4 256 256 150 0.9766 0.9766 1.2 PSR+ ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI297-Guys-0886-T1.nii.gz 5
0 256 256 130 0.9375 0.9375 1.2 PSR+ ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI023-Guys-0699-T1.nii.gz 2
1 256 256 140 0.9375 0.9375 1.2 PSR+ ../data/IXI/T1_images/IXI020-Guys-0700-T1.nii.gz 2
resample, reorder = med_dataset.suggestion()
in_shape = [1, 256, 256, 160]
item_tfms = [ZNormalization(), PadOrCrop(in_shape[1:]), RandomAffine(scales=0, degrees=5, isotropic=False)]
dblock = MedDataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock(cls=MedImage), RegressionBlock), 
dls = dblock.dataloaders(df, bs=bs)
len(dls.train_ds.items), len(dls.valid_ds.items)
(449, 112)

Create and train a 3D model

Import a network from MONAI that can be used for regression tasks, and define the input image size, the output size, channels, etc.

from monai.networks.nets import Regressor
model = Regressor(in_shape=[1, 256, 256, 160], out_shape=1, channels=(16, 32, 64, 128, 256),strides=(2, 2, 2, 2), kernel_size=3, num_res_units=2)
loss_func = L1LossFlat()
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=loss_func, metrics=[mae])
Regressor (Input shape: 4 x 1 x 256 x 256 x 160)
Layer (type)         Output Shape         Param #    Trainable 
                     4 x 16 x 128 x 128  
Conv3d                                    448        True      
InstanceNorm3d                            0          False     
PReLU                                     1          True      
Conv3d                                    6928       True      
InstanceNorm3d                            0          False     
PReLU                                     1          True      
Conv3d                                    448        True      
                     4 x 32 x 64 x 64 x  
Conv3d                                    13856      True      
InstanceNorm3d                            0          False     
PReLU                                     1          True      
Conv3d                                    27680      True      
InstanceNorm3d                            0          False     
PReLU                                     1          True      
Conv3d                                    13856      True      
                     4 x 64 x 32 x 32 x  
Conv3d                                    55360      True      
InstanceNorm3d                            0          False     
PReLU                                     1          True      
Conv3d                                    110656     True      
InstanceNorm3d                            0          False     
PReLU                                     1          True      
Conv3d                                    55360      True      
                     4 x 128 x 16 x 16 x 
Conv3d                                    221312     True      
InstanceNorm3d                            0          False     
PReLU                                     1          True      
Conv3d                                    442496     True      
InstanceNorm3d                            0          False     
PReLU                                     1          True      
Conv3d                                    221312     True      
                     4 x 327680          
                     4 x 1               
Linear                                    327681     True      

Total params: 1,497,401
Total trainable params: 1,497,401
Total non-trainable params: 0

Optimizer used: <function Adam at 0x7f6ed28f1e50>
Loss function: FlattenedLoss of L1Loss()

  - TrainEvalCallback
  - CastToTensor
  - Recorder
  - ProgressCallback

lr = 1e-4
epoch train_loss valid_loss mae time
0 22.412138 47.074982 47.074982 01:14
1 26.331188 12.824456 12.824456 01:16
2 13.703990 15.106963 15.106963 01:10
3 9.790899 10.356420 10.356420 01:13'model-brainage');


interp = Interpretation.from_learner(learn)
interp.plot_top_losses(k=9, anatomical_plane=2)